Lots of superstitions and taboos still dominates peoples’ thoughts on menstruation. Most of them do not consider it as a normal physical process for every women and do not feel good talking about it. Though the situation is changing day by day in Bangladesh through the implementation of various development activities, we need to go a long way for safe and affordable Menstrual Health Management (MHM). Sanitary pad is an option to maintain MHM but not available in the remote places, especially in the remote areas of CHT, and also it is not affordable for all. Considering this reality, “Our Lives Our Health Our Futures (OLHF)” program is working to improve the overall quality of menstrual health along with SRHR for adolescent girls and young women in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) areas. OLHF program is being implemented in CHT by 10 local organizations of the area with the support from BNPS and Simavi, funded by European Union.

The project has initiated a training for targeted 12000 adolescent girls and young women on making reusable sanitary pad at girls’ club level. This training will develop their capacity to make their own pads as well as to help them to manage menstruation in a safe and healthy way. Before going to implement the activity at field level, the project organized a training for trainers (TOT) on the issue so that they can support to provide training at field level. The TOT was held at Rangamati from 19 to 23 September 2021. The 5 day long training also covers SRHR and GBV issues.

Currently, the girls’ club level trainings are going on. The girls are really enthusiastic and motivated about the training.