Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS) organized a district level networking meeting on “Strengthening GO-NGOs Support and Services of Women” with local government representatives and legal aid service providers was held on 10 September 2014 at CIRDAP Auditorium, Dhaka. Ms Rokeya Kabir, Executive Director of BNPS moderated the meeting.

Ms. Shahnowas Dilruba Khan, Deputy Secretary, Zonal Executive Officer, Zone 02, Khilgaon, Dhaka South City Corporation was the chief guest of this meeting. Ms. Momotaz Begum, Magistrate, Dhaka District as the special guest, Ms. Sitara Ahsanullah, Chairman, Bangladesh Mohila Samiti, Mr. Shahidul Islam Nizami, Assistant Director, National Women Organization, Ismat Jahan, Head of Clinical Psychologist and National Trauma Counseling Centre, Multi-Sectoral Programme on Violence Against Women, Ministry of Women and Children Affairs, Dr. Bilkis Begum, Coordinator, One stop Crisis Centre, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, Md. Liakat Ali, Sub-Inspector of Khilgaon Police Station, Dhaka Metropolitan Police, local NGO representatives, journalists, change makers and women’s club members attended in that networking meeting.

The Chief Guest Ms. Shahnowas Dilruba Khan said that the rate of violence against women in Bangladesh is very high. Government has taken a lot of initiatives and programs to reduce it but it is reducing in a very slow pace. In these circumstances she appreciated this type of networking meeting among the community members and the representatives of GO-NGO and thanked BNPS to organize such type of meeting. Rokeya Kabir mentioned that if woman want to be empowered then she has to rise up her voice. In a patriarchal society, it is not so easy. But they have to do it and it is also women’s responsibility to be well informed about her rights and entitlements.

Ms. Shahnaz Sumi, Deputy Director of BNPS presented the keynote paper.