An animation on maternal mortality produced by BNPS and aired by a popular Television Channel as TV spot on the occasion of World Mothers Day 9 May 2010. It is available at Youtube.

The spot conveys the fact of death of 23000 mothers a year in Bangladesh to give birth child and a call of promise in Mother Day to save each mother from death during child birth. In addition to the TVC, two Televisions and one Radio channel pulled the attention of viewers/listeners to the harsh reality of our high Maternal Mortality Rate referring BNPS as source. They broadcasted special report in news across the day styled as ‘The nation observing the Mother Day in the crude reality of high maternal mortality: Achieving MDG 5 is in challenge’.

On the occasion of World Safe Motherhood Day 28 May 2010, BNPS facilitated special reporting on MDG 5 in one English and one Bangla dailies by providing information and analysis.