Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS) in collaboration with the Affiliated Network for Social Accountability (ANSA) held a half-day policy roundtable entitled Advancing Public Participation and Accountability in the Budget Process on 1st October 2012 at Hotel Ruposhi Bangla, Dhaka. A number of parliament members, government/non-government high officials, members of parliamentary standing committees, civil society representatives, and journalists attended this policy roundtable. They discussed about different issues regarding budget process, its bottlenecks, and ways of effective implementation of budget in Bangladesh and how to encourage people from every sphere to take part in the process to ensure a stronger accountability in the budget formulation and implementation process.

Dr.Muhiuddin Khan Alamgir, MP and honorable minister of Home Affairs of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh was present in the roundtable as chief guest and gave his valuable speech. The policy roundtable was chaired by Ms. Rokeya Kabir, Executive Director of BNPS. Barrister Manzoor Hasan, Institutional Advisor, IGS BRAC University moderated the discussion.