Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha organized a 3-days long training for the capacity development of women members of CHT Women Activist Forum on “Gender, Advocacy, Leadership and Customary Laws” at Bandarban district on 28 – 30 October, 2014. 22 women members took part in the training sessions. They have obtained clear concept on Gender, Advocacy, Leadership and Customary Laws through this training. Ethnic community leader Promeching Marma shared her experiences on grass-root movements with the participants. Through the training program one Convener and 3 District Coordinators one for each CHT district, have been selected.

Convener – Rakhi Tripura
District Coordinator, Rangamati – Gourika Chakma
District Coordinator, Khagrachori – Trisha Tripura
District Coordinator, Bandarban – Y Ching Marma

This forum will work mainly for reformation of customary laws.