Women’s leadership on Improving peace, socio-economic stability and participation in power corridor in Cox’s Bazar


Enhanced leadership and participation of women and young women who are forcibly displaced in Cox’s Bazaar

Output 1: Training and skills provided to displaced women and girls on collection actions against GBV and improving access to productive resources.

Output 2: IGA, financial literacy and computer training provided to forcibly displaced women and young women.

Output 3: Dialogues and awareness created with CSOs and policy makers for improved and need-based policies on forced displacement

Implementaing Partners: Upama Nari Kollayan Songstha (UNKS) for host community and Rohingya Women Empowerment (RWE) for Rohiyanga camp

  • Donor: UN Women/WPHF
  • Duration: 08.05.2023 to 30.04.2025
  • Working Area:

    Camp-4, Ukhiya and PM Khali Asroyon Prokolpo, Somitipara, Khuruskul, Cox’s Bazar Sadar, Cox’s Bazar