  54 Interactive Street Theatre and Folk Song Events Successfully Organized

Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha has been working with youth groups to prevent violent extremism. In 2018, BNPS worked with students of 5 public university with the help of volunteer’s team. BNPS trained them for conceptual clarity and understanding. After the training course students of the university organized 2 big seminars in each university. In 2019, BNPS started to work with the community people to aware them about preventing violent extremism through interactive street theatre and folk song.

BNPS developed different script and song with the support of local specialists in Dhaka, Netrakona and Chattogram. Through a workshop in each district the development of street theatre and folk song had been done. To increase the social harmony among the different communities in Bangladesh based in three districts (Dhaka, Netrakona & Chattogram) BNPS organized 54 shows of this locally produced theatre and songs. BNPS have delivered the values of the organization, the concept of equality, diversity, pluralism, women rights, secularism and the spirit of the Liberation War.

In these programs school teachers, students, community leaders, religious leaders, drivers, local people and parents were present. Approximately 250 to 300 people participated the each program.

The reaction of the audience of the shows was good. When people were leaving after enjoying the show, they were discussing about the effectiveness of it. They come to know the importance of religious and social harmony in our day to day life.

All the team of street theatre and drama worked hard to produce a quality performance and at last they did it. The audience also pleased and enjoyed the performance. Sometimes they have expressed their views that how essential it is to deliver the strong massage through the street theatre and folk song. The society is now becoming violent day by day; some religious leader gives fuel to create violence. It is high time for our society to fight violent extremism through cultural activities.

BNPS team did a proper management for these well-organized performances with the limited resources. In some places the number of audience was noteworthy. By defeating excessive heat and the rough weather audience have enjoyed the programs a lot.

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