  A national women network launched to address the need of Women, Peace and Security in Bangladesh

A four-day long training on “Financial Management, Program Monitoring and Related Governance” held from 16-19 February 2019 at BNPS conference room, Dhaka attended by 50 finance and non-finance BNPS staff (female 18, male 32) both from central and center offices under different projects. The training covered a wide range of issues related to financial management, compliance & documentation, audit & accounts, accounting software management, monitoring, follow-up and supervision and generated number of actions for future. The program organized under a trinity fund from: Promoting Rights through Mobilization and Empowerment (PRIME), Advancing Equality of Women and Marginalized People (AWAM) and Collective initiatives to improve Menstrual Health (MH) situation in Bangladesh projects. The course was designed based on current needs.

Apart from BNPS’s leadership and in house facilitators guest speakers were invited to facilitate sessions on monitoring & evaluation, project cycle management and M&E framework, program reporting, financial management, different policies & procedures, compliance, coordination and cooperation between program and finance, audit process and governance, procurement, budgeting and cash management.

The training was highly participatory. As the training was need based participants had been able to connect them with their practice and experiences. Many notable issues raised by participants including financial governance, coordination between program and finance, government and donor compliance including Tax and VAT among other issues. All questions and queries raised by participants were addressed by BNPS management and guest speakers. At the end of the training participants marked the training as “Outstanding”. Learning can be applied to improve day to day program and financial management and to establish BNPS’s vision, mission and values.

The program coordinated by Ms. Nasrin Begum, Coordinator Training of BNPS. Rokeya Kabir, Executive Director, BNPS took session and was present in many other sessions.

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